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Welcome to Burnt Violet Astrology & Tarot

Reveal the Divine Purpose of Your Life

Whether you are curious about your life purpose or a past life you may have lived or simply want to understand yourself better, I specialize in a wide range of readings using Astrology, Tarot and Oracle. Coupled with these divination tools, I also use my intuition as a guide. As someone who can easily tap into and understands energy, this is also very helpful in helping you on your soul journey.

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Home: Welcome

About Me

Detective of the stars ~ Oracle for The Divine ~ Intergalactic Liasion ~ Mystic of Crows.

I'm a conduit for the spirit world. My purpose is to deliver messages to those who seek them.

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"I've known Bridgit for a while now and had her do many readings for several different reasons. Bridgit is very warm and welcoming unlike others I have gotten readings from. She is wonderfully talented and gifted! Also very detailed and explanatory (not everyone gets the terminology). I highly recommend her to anyone wanting a real and honest reading!"

~Tiffney Duvall

Bridgit provided information on different star systems that was linked to my past in my chart, and it was really fascinating!! She was very helpful in exploring what resonated for me, and I got a lot of information that was very interesting! I really enjoyed working with her!"

~Monica Revill

"Thank you, Bridgit, for your amazing message from my guides. This was exactly the reassurance and motivation I needed for this chapter of my life. You were so on point in your reading, and gave me many things to think about. May the wisdom and words that you are able to channel come back to continue blessing you on your journey."

~Chelsea Tatum

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Services I Offer

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Star Origin


Do you associate yourself with Starseed energy? Do you often feel out of place and misunderstood? This reading could help you connect to your origins beyond this planet and help you to understand yourself on a deeper level.

Past Life


Are there core memories you carry with you, that you think could possibly be from a past life? Do you have phobias or feel strong connections to places but you can't exactly explain why? Using certain techniques I can confirm certain things for you or I can simply give you insight into a past life or lives, which could be helpful in understanding yourself fully.

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Synastry (compatibility) Reading


By combining two charts I can see the dynamic at play. I can see past life connections (if any), how your energies play together and so much more.

Career Reading


If you find yourself wondering or confused about your career path, this is a great way to gain clarity into this part of your life. Your chart will tell me what it is your soul longs to do and most importantly, what will bring a sense of fulfillment. 

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Shadow Work Reading


This reading isn't for the faint of heart. Facing our shadow self can be difficult, but if you're willing to honor the dark parts of your being, great things will emerge from the strength in facing your own demons. It's a rebirth, that will propel you into the best days of your life.

Tarot Card Reading


  • One Question $8.88

  • Two Questions $14.44

  • Three Questions $22.22

  • In depth tarot session $55.55

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Dowsing Pendulum over Tarot

Spirit Guide Reading


We all have a team of Guides working behind the scenes on our behalf. It could be Angels, Ancestors, Gods, Goddesses, Ascended Masters and many more. Using Astrology and other divination tools, I can tell you who may make up your spiritual team.

Transit Reading


This is a great reading to have done, to help you better understand the energies in the current moment and how to navigate them. Knowing is half the battle. Certain transits can feel chaotic and difficult to navigate. A transit Reading can help you understand what is happening and why.

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Blind Natal Chart Reading


This is a unique style of reading and one of my favorites to do. Using your Natal Chart I would give you information pulled from your chart that I see. Things including traits, special abilities, how you operate in the world, etc. This can offer a different approach to how you view yourself, offer validation and could potentially help you to better understand yourself

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